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  • T. Lee et al., Characterization of chemical and physical changes in atmospheric aerosols during fog processing at Baengnyeong Island, South Korea 



  • Jihyun Hwang et al., Development of Semi-continuous Monitoring Techniques for Atmospheric HNO3, AGU

  • Inseon Park et al., The Physico-chemical Characteristics and the Formation Mechanism of PM2.5 in Suburban Environment  in Korea, AGU

  • Jeongin Song et al., Physico-chemical Characteristics and Formation of Fine particles in Suburban Environment: based on the Downwind of Seoul, AGU

  • Seokwon Kang et al., Chemical characteristics of potential secondary aerosol using Oxidation Flow Reactor (OFR) in the background atmosphere of Korea, AGU

  • Jihee Ban et al., Estimation of NH3 and PM1 emissions in large point sources in Chungnam province using aircraft-based measurement, AGU

  • 이태형, 서울 풍하지역 경기권 초미세먼지 물리·화학적 특성 및 발생기작 연구, 한국대기환경학회

  • 박인선, 2021~2022년 용인지역 초미세먼지 물리·화학적 특성 및 발생기작 연구, 한국대기환경학회

  • 반지희, 항공관측 결과를 활용한 충남지역 대형점오염원 암모니아와 PM1 배출량 산정과 비교, 한국대기환경학회

  • 송정인,  서울 풍하지역(용인) 초미세먼지의 물리·화학적 특성 연구, 한국대기환경학회

  • 이태형, 다양한 배출원 밀집지역에서 산화 흐름 반응기(OFR) 및 HR-ToF-AMS를 이용한 잠재성 2차 입자상물질 형성 및 특성 연구 (Observation of Potential Secondary Aerosol Formation using Oxidation Flow Reactor coupled with HR-ToF-AMS in the Urban and Rural Environments), 한국환경분석학회

  • 이태형, 다양한 배출원 및 지역에 따른 대기 중 메탄 농도 분포 측정 (Spatial and Temporal Variations of Atmospheric Methane in the Urban and Rural Environments), 한국기후변화학회

  • Taehyoung Lee, Airborne measurements of Chemical Composition and Evolution of Atmospheric Aerosols on the Large Point, International Meeting on Characterization and Identification of Atmospheric Aerosols (CIA2)

  • 황지현, 준 실시간 대기 중 HNO3 측정 장비 개발 및 검증, KAPAR

  • 송정인, Physico-chemical characteristics and formation of Fine particles in suburban Environment(the downwind area of Seoul), KAPAR

  • 강석원, 연속 흐름 산화 반응기를 이용한 백령도 대기 중 잠재성 2차 미세입자의 물리⦁화학적 특성 연구, KAPAR

  • 박인선, 국내외 영향 특성을 고려한 초미세먼지 물리·화학적 특성 및 발생기작 연구- 서울풍하지역(용인)을 중심으로, KAPAR

  • 반지희, 항공관측 결과를 활용한 충남지역 대형점오염원 PM1 배출량 산정과 비교 (Estimation of PM1 emissions in large point sources in Chungnam province using aircraft-based measurement), KAPAR

  • 이태형, 다양한 측정 플랫폼을 통한 에어로졸 물리·화학적 특성 및 생성기작, KAPAR

  • 박태현, 항광관측을 활용한 충남지역 대형점오염원 상공의 미세입자 조성 및 특성 분석, KAPAR


  • 이태형, 항공관측을 통한 대형배출원 미세입자 화학성분 분석 및 변화과정 연구 (Chemical Composition and Evolution of Atmospheric Aerosols on the Large Point Source), 대기환경학회, 2021

  • 이태형, 다양한 배출원 밀집지역에서 산화 흐름 반응기(OFR) 및 HR-ToF-AMS를 이용한 잠재성 2차 입자상물질 형성 연구 (Observation of Potential Secondary Aerosol Formation using Oxidation Flow Reactor coupled with HR-ToF-AMS in the Urban and Rural Environments), 대기환경학회, 2021

  • 이태형, 다양한 배출원 및 지역에 따른 대기 중 암모니아 농도 분포 및 측정방법 비교연구 (Spatial and Seasonal Variations of Ammonia in the Urban and Rural Environments and Sources in South Korea), 대기환경학회, 2021

  • 박태현, 항공관측을 활용한 충남지역 대형배출원 상공의 미세입자 조성 및 특성 분석 (Analysis of chemical composition and revolution of PM1.0 by aircraft-based measurement on the large point sources in Korea), 대기환경학회, 2021 

  • 반지희, HR-ToF-AMS를 활용한 전북지역 상공의 영농 부산물 소각 사례 관측과 영농 부산물 소각 사례가 대기질에 미치는 영향 연구(Detection of Biomass Burning by HR-ToF-AMS and its contribution and influence on Air Quality in Jeollabuk Province), 대기환경학회, 2021

  • 김경훈, 준실시간 HNO3 및 가스상 전구물질 측정을 통한 미세입자의 화학적 특성 및 생성 규명 연구 (Study on Chemical Composition and Formation of Aerosols by Measurement of Semi-Continuous HNO3 and Gaseous Precursors), 대기환경학회, 2021

  • 강석원, 연속 흐름 산화 반응기를 이용한 백령도 대기 중 잠재성 2차 미세입자의 물리·화학적 특성 연구 (Chemical characteristics and formation of secondary aerosol using Oxidation Flow Reactor (OFR) at Baengnyeong Island), 대기환경학회, 2021

  • 최시영, 서울 도심지역 내 대기 중 무기 이온과 가스상 전구물질의 농도 변화 및 화학적 특성 (2018~2020) (Chemical characteristics of ionic compounds in fine particle matter and precursor gases in Seoul (2018~2020)), 대기환경학회, 2021

  • 송정인, 서울 풍하지역(용인)에서 미세입자의 물리화학적 특성 및 생성 규명연구 (Physico-chemical characteristics and formation of fine particles in the downwind area of Seoul (Yongin)), 대기환경학회, 2021

  • Rahul Singh, Spatial and Seasonal Variations of Ammonia in the Urban and Rural Environments in South Korea, 대기환경학회, 2021

  • 박인선, 실시간 측정 장비에서의 유입관 재질에 따른 NH3 흡착 정도 및 다양한 대기 중 NH3 측정 방법 비교 (Study of the Best Inlet Material for Ambient NH3 Sampling and Comparison of Various Ambient NH3 Measuring Methods), 대기환경학회, 2021

  • 황지현, 대형 실외 실증챔버를 이용한 자동차 배출물질에 의한 미세입자 생성 및 변환과정 연구 (A study on formation and evolution of the secondary aerosol by car emissions using a large-Scale Environment Chamber), 대기환경학회, 2021


  • 이태형, 항공관측을 통한 대형 점오염원 상층 대기 중 미세입자 생성 및 화학 성분 특성 분석, 입자에어로졸학회, 2020

  • 박규태, 자동차에 의한 1차 배기가스 및 잠재적 2차 입자상물질 평가, 입자에어로졸학회, 2020

  • 김경훈, 배출원 밀집 지역 및 권역별 일반 대기중 암모니아 농도 비교 연구, 입자에어로졸학회, 2020

  • Rahul Singh, Kyung Hoon Kim, Gyutae Park, Seokwon Kang, Taehyun Park, Ji Hee Ban, Si Young Choi, Jung-Hun Woo, Taehyoung Lee, Real-time Ambient Ammonia Measurement in the Northeastern Region of South Korea using Various Measuring Equipments, 한국대기환경학회, 2020

  • 최시영, 강석원, 박규태, 박태현, 반지희, 김경훈, 이미혜, 허국영, 이태형, 서울 도심지역 내 대기 중 무기 이온과 가스상 전구물질의 농도 변화 및 화학적 특성, 한국대기환경학회, 2020

  • 반지희, 박태현, 강석원, Chinmoy Sarker, Gracie Wong, 서범근, 정동희, 김경훈, 박규태, 최시영, 김정호, 안준영, 김세웅, 김종호, 이태형, 항공관측을 활용한 대형 점 오염원의 입자상물질과 가스상 전구물질의 농도 및 공간분포, 한국대기환경학회, 2020

  • 박태현, 반지희, 강석원, 최시영, Gracie Wong, 서범근, 정동희, 김경훈, 박규태, 김정호, 안준영, 김세웅, 김종호, 이태형, 항공관측을 활용한 충남지역 대형 점오염원(화력발전소, 석유화학단지, 제철소) 상공의 유기성 미세입자의 특성 분석, 한국대기환경학회, 2020

  • 김경훈, 박규태, 강석원, Rahul Singh, 박태현, 반지희, 최시영, 이태형, 호남권 대기 중 암모니아 농도 분포 및 측정방법 비교연구, 한국대기환경학회, 2020

  • 박규태, 김경훈, 박태현, 강석원, 반지희, 최시영, Singh Rahul, 임윤성, 이상욱, 이종태, 이태형, 유종별 승용자동차 1차 배기가스 및 산화흐름반응기(OFR)을 사용한 잠재성 2차 입자상물질 생성 연구, 한국대기환경학회, 2020


  • 이태형, 미세입자의 물리화학적 특성 및 생성 메커니즘, 2019년 한국공업화학회 제 18회 콜로이드ㆍ계면화학 심포지엄 - 유해 및 규제환경 대응을 위한 화장품 연구개발동향, 부산 BEXCO, 2019

  • 박규태, 김경훈, 박태현, 강석원, 반지희, 윤관훈, 김정호, 이태형, 주거밀집지역에서 산화흐름반응기를 이용한 잠재성 2차 입자상물질 형성 관찰, 2019년 한국대기환경학회 공동학술심포지움 및 학생콜로키움, 2019

  • Jeffrey L. Collett, Jr., I-Ting Ku, Amy P. Sullivan, Yury Desyaterik, Pierre Herckes, Taehyoung Lee, and Xinhua Shen, The chemistry of smoke-impacted clouds, 2019 AAAR Annual conference, Oregon Convention Center, 2019

  • 이태형, 대도시와 배경지역 대기오염에 의한 대기 에어로졸의 물리화학적 진화에 대한 항공기 기반 측정, 2019 대기질 연구를 위한 AMS (실시간 에어로졸 질량분석기) 워크샵, 2019

  • Jinsoo Park, Joonyoung Ahn, Gyutae Park, Taehyoung Lee, Observation of Secondary Aerosol Formation using Oxidation Flow Reactor in various Environments, 2019 AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, 2019

  • Jihee Ban, Taehyun Park, Seokwon Kang, Chinmoy Sarkar, Gracie Wong, Beom-Keun Seo, Donghee Jung, Kyunghoon Kim, Gyutae Park, Jongho Kim, Joonyoung Ahn, Saewung Kim, Jeongho Kim, Taehyoung Lee, The overview of aerosol mass concentration and spatial distribution in the air pollution plume on the large point by aircraft measurement in Korea, 2019 AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, 2019

  • Taehyun Park, Jihee Ban, Seokwon Kang, Chinmoy Sarkar, Gracie Wong, Beom-Keun Seo, Donghee Jung, Kyunghoon Kim, Gyutae Park, Jongho Kim, Joonyoung Ahn, Saewung Kim, Jeongho Kim, Taehyoung Lee, Aircraft-based measurements of composition and oxidation state of Organic matter on the point sources in Korea, 2019 AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, 2019 

  • Seokwon Kang, Taehyun Park, Jihee Ban, Chinmoy Sarkar, Gracie Wong, Beom-Keun Seo, Donghee Jung, Kyunghoon Kim, Gyutae Park, Jongho Kim, Joonyoung Ahn, Saewung Kim, Jeongho Kim, Taehyoung Lee, Characteristics of spatial distribution of precusor gases in the plume of power plants by aircraft measurement, 2019 AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, 2019


  • Shin-Young PARK, Hyo-Jung LEE, Jeong-Eon KANG, Taehyoung LEE, Cheol-Hee KIM, WRF-Chem Simulation of Aerosol Effects on Mesoscale Radiation-Cloud-Precipitation Variables over Northeast Asia during MAPS-Seoul 2015 Campaign, AOGS 15th Annual Meeting, Hawaii, 2018

  • Gyutae Park, Sung-Woon Jung, Jounghwa Kim, Seok-Jun Seo, Sunmoon Kim, KyungHoon Kim, Taekho Chung, Taehyun Park, Heekyoung Hong, Sunhee Moon, Seokwon Kang, Seung Hwan Lee, Min Seok Song, Ji Hee Ban, Dong-Gil Yu, Youdeog Hong, Taehyoung Lee, Investigation for the Formation of Secondary Aerosol from Passenger Vehicles by Fuel Types(Gasoline, Liquefied Petroleum Gas, and Diesel), 10th International Aerosol Conference (IAC 2018), Saint Louis, 2018

  • Taehyun Park, Jihee Ban, Sekwon Kang, Gyutae Park, KyungHoon Kim, Minseok Song, Seunghwan Lee, Jannatul Maoa, Hye-Jung Shin, Jong Sung Park, Seung Myung Park, Jun Oh, Min-Do Lee, Sang-Bo Lee, Jeongsoo Kim, Dong-Gil Yu, Taehyoung Lee, Characteristics of PM2.5 and gaseous precursor in urban and background areas in Korea, 10th International Aerosol Conference (IAC 2018), Saint Louis, 2018

  • ​Taehyoung Lee, Seokwon Kang, Taewon Kang, Junhong Lee, Je-Woo Hong, Jinkyu Hong, Characterization of aerosol composition, concentrations, and sources in Bukhansan National Park, Seoul, Journal of Korea Society of Forset Science, Korea, 2018


  • Taehyun Park, Yury Desyaterik, Jaebum Lee, Yongjae Lim, Junyoung Ahn, Jinsoo Park, Jongho Kim, Soobog Park, Jeffrey L. Collett, Taehyoung Lee, Chemical composition of aerosol measurements in the air pollution plume during KORUS-AQ2017 AGU Fall meeting, New Orleans, 2017

  • Taehyoung Lee, Taehyun Park, Jaebum Lee, Yongjae Lim, Junyoung Ahn, Jinsoo Park, Jinsoo Choi, Yury Desyaterik, Jeffrey L. Collett, The physico-chemical evolution of atmospheric aerosols and the gas-particle partitioning of inorganic aerosol during KORUS-AQ, 2017 AGU Fall meeting, New Orleans, 2017

  • Jihee Ban, Joonyoung Ahn, Jin Soo Choi, Sam A Atwood, Taehyun Park, Taehyoung Lee, Identification of long-range transport of air pollutants using a Potential Source Contribution Function in Baengyeong Island, Korea​, 2017 AGU Fall meeting, New Orleans, 2017

  • Kyunghoon Kim, Jihwan Son, Sungwoon Jung, Jounghwa Kim, Sunmoon Kim, Gyutae Park, Kijae Sung, Ingu Kim, Taekho Chung, Taehyun Park, Seokwon Kang, Jihee Ban, Jeongsoo Kim, You-Deong Hong, Jung-Hun Woo, Taehyoung Lee, A study on BC Emission from Vehicles using Different Types of Fuel, 2017 AGU Fall meeting, New Orleans, 2017

  • Kyunghoon Kim, Sungwoon Jung, Jounghwa Kim, Sunmoon Kim, Ingu Kim, Kijae Sung, Taekho Chung, Gyutae Park, Taehyun Park, Seokwon Kang, Jihee Ban, Seonghwan Lee, You-Deong Hong, Jung-Hun Woo, Taeehyong Lee,  Measurement of reduced Black Carbon Emission from Vehicles due to strengthened regulation, 60th meeting of KOSAE in 2017

  • Gyutae Park, Sungwoon Jung, Jounghwa Kim, Sunmoon Kim, Ingu Kim, Kijae Sung, Taekho Chung, Kyunghoon Kim, Taehyun Park, Seokwon Kang, Jihee Ban, You-Deong Hong, Jung-Hun Woo, Taeehyong Lee, Emission characteristics of potential secondary aerosol produced by different vehicles `fuel types, 60th meeting of KOSAE in 2017

  • Taehyoung Lee, KyungHoon Kim, Jihwan Son, Sungwoon Jung, Jounghwa Kim, Sunmoon Kim, Gyutae Park, Kijae Sung, Ingu Kim, Taekho Chung, Taehyun Park, Seokwon Kang, JiHee Ban, JeongSoo Kim, You-Deog Hong, Jung-Hun Woo, Measurement of Black Carbon Emission Factor from Different Types of Fuels in Vehicles, 60th meeting of KOSAE in 2017

  • Jihee Ban, Taehyun Park, Junyoung Ahn, Jinsoo Choi, Jinsoo Park, Taehyoung Lee, Analysis of Potential Source Contribution of Ambient Aerosol of  Baengyeong Island and Seoul, Korea, 60th meeting of KOSAE in 2017

  • Taehyoung Lee, Taehyun Park, Jaebum Lee, Yongjae Lim, Junyoung Ahn, Jinsoo Park, Jongho Kim, Soobog Park, Jeffrey L. Collett, Aircraft-Based measurement of the physico-chemical evolution of atmospheric aerosols in the air pollution plume over a megacity and a remote area, Asian Conference on Meteorology, Busan, Korea, 2017

  • Christina McCluskey, P. J. Demott, T. C. J. Hill, A. Rauker, J. Oveadnevaite, D. Ceburnis, C. O'Dowd, R. Humphries, M. Keywood, A. Protat, M. Harvey, E. R. Lewis, C. Y. Hwang, T. Lee, and S. M. Kreidenweis,  Abundance and characteristics of ice nucleating particles in remote coastal and oceanic regions, The 20th International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, Finland, 2017

  • Jeff Collett, Misha Schurman, Alexandra Boris, Taehyoung Lee, Denise Napolitano, and Pierre Herckes, The rise and fall of organic matter in clouds and fogs: the transition from functionalization to fragmentation, 36th AAAR Annual Conference, North Carolina, 2017

  • M.S. Bae, Z.H. Shon, S.H. Oh, T.H. Lee, S.S. Park, G.T. Park, Size resolved aerosols by the different regional influences in the West coastal Korea during KORUS-AQ campaign, Asian Aerosol Conference(AAC2017), Jeju, 2017

  • M.S. Bae, Z.H. Shon, T.H. Lee, J.H. Jeong, J.J. Schauer, Relationship between Reactive Oxygen Species and Benzene Carboxylic Acids in the Coastal area during KORUS-AQ campaign, Asian Aerosol Conference(AAC2017), Jeju, 2017

  • Hyojung Lee, Taehyoung Lee, Hyunyoung Jo, Sehwa Lim, Siwan Kim, Junghun Woo, Junyoung Ahn, Jinsoo Park, Jinsoo Choi, Andrew Weinheimer, Greg Huey, Cheolhee kim, Long Range Transport and Transformations of Air Pollutants Diagnosed from in Situ Aircraft Measurements and Model Simulations over Yellow Sea during the KORUS-AQ Field Campaign, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS), Singapore, 6-11 August, 2017

  • Taehyun Park, Yury Desyaterik, Jaebum Lee, Yongjae Lim, Junyoung Ahn, Jinsoo Park, Jongho Kim, Soobog Park, Jeffrey L. Collett, and Taehyoung Lee, Chemical composition of aerosol measurements in the air pollution plume during KORUS-AQ, Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC2017), Jeju, 2017

  • Louahem Msabah Basma, Al Maliki Dugham Radhi Obaid, Mugabo Modeste, Seokwon Kang, Kyunghoon Kim, Taehyun Park, Taehyoung Lee, Characteristics of PM2.5 aerosol and precursor gas species and its source apportionment, Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC2017), Jeju, 2017

  • Gyutae Park, Jihwan Son, Jounghwa Kim, Sunmoon Kim, KyungHoon Kim, Kijae Sung, Ingu Kim, Taekho Chung, Taehyun Park, Seokwon Kang, Ji Hee Ban, Jeong Soo Kim, and Taehyoung Lee, A Study on Potential Aerosol Formation from Different Vehicle`s Fuel Types using HR-ToF-AMS in an Oxidation Flow Reactor, Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC2017), Jeju, 2017

  • KyungHoon Kim, Jihwan Son, Jounghwa Kim, Sunmoon Kim, Gyutae Park, Kijae Sung, Ingu Kim, Taekho Chung, Taehyun Park, Seokwon Kang, Ji Hee Ban, Jeong Soo Kim, Jung-Hun Woo, and Taehyoung Lee, A Study on BC Emission from Vehicles using Different Types of Fuel, Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC2017), Jeju, 2017


  • Seokwon Kang, Kyunghoon Kim, Gyutae Park, Jihee Ban, Dajeong Park, Min-Suk Bae, Hyejung Shin, Mindo Lee, Youngkyo Seo, Jinyoung Choi, Donghee Jung, Seokjun Seo, Taehyoung Lee, Semi-continuous measurement and characteristics of water-soluble organic carbon and ions of PM2.5 aerosol with PILS-TOC-IC in Baengnyeong Island, 2016 AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, 2016

  • Taehyoung Lee, Jihwan Son, Jounghwa Kim, JeongSoo Kim, Sunmoon Kim, Kijae Sung, Gyutae Park, Michael Link, Taehyun Park, KyungHoon Kim, Seokwon Kang, Jihee Ban, A study of photochemical againg of ambient air using Potential Aerosol Mass (PAM) chamber under the different sources and types of emissions, 2016 AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, 2016

  • Gyutae Park, Jihwan Son, Jounghwa Kim, Jeong Soo Kim, Sunmoon Kim, Taehyun Park , Pilho Kim, Seokwon Kang, KyungHoon Kim, Ban Ji Hee, Kijae Sung, Ho-Jin Lim, Zaeem Bin Babar, Taehyoung Lee, A study on potential SOA mass fraction from vehicle emission using HR-ToF-AMS coupled with Potential Aerosol Mass reactor, 35th AAAR Annual Conference, Portland, 2016

  • Taehyun Park, Jaebum Lee, Yongjae Lim, Junyoung Ahn, Jinsoo Park, Jinsoo Choi, Jongho Kim, Soobog Park, Taehyoung Lee, Aircraft-based aerosol composition measurements during MAPS-Seoul, 35th AAAR Annual Conference, Portland, 2016

  • Taehyoung Lee, Seokwon Kang, Kyunghoom Kim, Gyutae Park, Jihee Ban, Dajeong Park, Min-Suk Bae, Hyejung Shin, Mindo Lee, Youngkyo Seo, Jinyoung Choi, Donghee Jung, Seokjun Seo, Semi-continuous measurement and characteristics of water-soluble organic carbon and ions of PM2.5 aerosol with PILS-TOC-IC in Baengnyeong island during MAPS-Seoul 2016, 35th AAAR Annual Conference, Portland, 2016

  • ​이태형, 김상우, 홍진규, 민경은, 관측기반 대기질 모델 개선체계 구축(Ⅰ) - 항공 및 지상관측을 통한 미세먼지의 화학성분 및 공간분포 조사, 17th IUAPPA World Clean Air Congress and 9 th CAA Better Air Quality Coference, 2016

  • 이태형, 임호진, 이동수, 한진석, 이지이, 강기태(정혁), KORUS-AQ 캠페인을 통한 입자상 물질분포 특성연구 - Real time water soluble organic carbon(WSOC) measurement by PILS-TOC at Baeongyeongdo and Olympic Park sites, 17th IUAPPA World Clean Air Congress and 9 th CAA Better Air Quality Coference, 2016

  • Seokwon Kang, Taehyoung Lee*, Dajeong Park and Min-Suk Bae, Semi-continuous measurement and characteristics of water-soluble organic carbon and ions of PM2.5 aerosol with PILS-TOC-IC in Baengnyeong island during KORUS-AQ, 17th IUAPPA World Clean Air Congress and 9th CAA Better Air Quality Conference, 29 August - 2 September 2016, Busan, South Korea

  • Taehyoung Lee, Taehyun Park, Jaebum Lee, Yongjae Lim, Junyoung Ahn, Jinsoo Park, Jinsoo Choi, Jongho Kim, Soobog Park, Yury Desyaterik, Jeffrey L. Collett, Aircraft-based aerosol composition measurements during MAPS-Seoul and KORUS-AQ, 17th IUAPPA World Clean Air Congress and 9th CAA Better Air Quality Conference, 29 August - 2 September 2016, Busan, South Korea

  • Taehyun Park, Yury Desyaterik, Jaebum Lee, Yongjae Lim, Junyoung Ahn, Jinsoo Park, Jongho Kim, Soobog Park, Jeffrey Collett, and Taehyoung Lee, Chemical composition of aerosol measurements in the air pollution plume during KORUS-AQ, 17th IUAPPA World Clean Air Congress and 9th CAA Better Air Quality Conference, 29 August - 2 September 2016, Busan, South Korea

  • Gyutae Park, Jihwan Son, Jounghwa Kim, Jeong Soo Kim, Sunmoon Kim, Kijae Sung, Ho-Jin Lim, Zaeem Bin Babar, Seokwon Kang, KyungHoon Kim, Ban Ji Hee, Taehyun Park and Taehyoung Lee, A study on potential SOA mass fraction from vehicle emission using HR-ToF-AMS coupled with Potential Aerosol Mass reactor, 17th IUAPPA World Clean Air Congress and 9th CAA Better Air Quality Conference, 29 August - 2 September 2016, Busan, South Korea

  • Taehyun Park, Junyoung Ahn, Jin Soo Park, Jin Soo Choi, Jongho Kim, Soobog Park, MAPS-Seoul 기간 중 항공관측을 통한 상층대기 중 PM1 의 화학적 성분 및 공간적 분포 분석, KAPAR 한국입자에어로졸학회 학술대회 2016

  • Taehyoung Lee, Jihwan Son, Junghwa Kim,  Jungsoo Kim, Heungmin You, Gytae Park, Taehyun Park,  Seokwon Kang, Zaeem Bin Babar, Hojin Lim, 자동차 배출물질에 의한 잠재적 2차 입자상 물질 생성 특성 관측, KAPAR 한국입자에어로졸학회 학술대회 2016

  • Dajeong Park, Inhwan Jo, Seokwon Kang, Taehyoung Lee, Min-Suk Bae, PILS-TOC를 이용한 수용성 유기탄소 비교 측정, KAPAR 한국입자에어로졸학회 학술대회 2016

  • Seokwon Kang, Dajeong Park,  Min-Suk Bae, Kyunghoon Kim, Jihee Ban, Taehyoung Lee, KORUS-AQ 기간 중 PILS-TOC-IC를 이용한 백령도 대기 중 PM2.5 에어로졸의 수용성 유기탄소 및 이온의 준실시간 측정 및 특성,  KAPAR 한국입자에어로졸학회 학술대회 2016

  • Gytae Park, Jihwan Son,  Jounghwa Kim, Sunmoon Kim, Sunhe Mon, Kijae Sung, Takeho Jung, Hekyung Hong, Jungsoo Kim,  Seokwon Kang, Taehyun Park, Taehyoung Lee, 유종별 자동차 배출가스의 입자상물질 생성 특성, KAPAR 한국입자에어로졸학회 학술대회 2016

  • Taehyoung Lee, Taehyun Park, Alexandra J. Boris, Yongjae Lim, Junyoung Ahn, Haejin Jung, Youngkyo Seo, Seokjun Seo, Jeffrey L. Collett, Jr. Characterization of chemical composition of fog and the physical and chemical changes of atmospheric aerosols from fog processing in Baengyeong Island, South Korea, 7th International Conference onFog, Fog Collection and Dew, 2016, Wroclaw, Poland

  • Collett, Jr., J. L., Boris, A, Schurman, M., Lee, T, Benedict, K., Desyaterik, Y, and Herckes, P, Cloud and fog processing of atmospheric organic matter,South Korea, 7th International Conference onFog, Fog Collection and Dew, 2016, Wroclaw, Poland

  • Taehyoung Lee, Aircraft-based aerosol composition measurements duringMAPS-Seoul using HR-ToF-AMS(High Resolution Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer), 6th KORUS-AQ-MAPS Workshop, 2016, 


  • Colorado  Alexandra J. Boris,state University, Fort Colins, Co; and T.Lee, S. Cho, J. Yeom, Y. Desyaterik, and J.L. Collet Jr. Observation of Aqueous Processing of Organic Aerosol Components in Fog Water at Baengnyeong Island, South Korea, American Metheorological Society, Phoenix, AZ, 2015

  • T. Lee, J. Park, T. Park, J. Ahn, S. Lee, Jun Oh, J. Choi, Y. Lee, Y. Lim, J. Park, H. Jung, Y. Seo, S. Seo, D. Jung, Y. Hong, J. Hong, S. Kang, M. Bae, Aircraft-based aerosol composition measurements during MAPS-Seoul using High Resolution Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS), KOSAE 2015 Annual Meeting, Yeosu, Korea

  • Taehyun Park, Jongtae Lee, Jeongsoo Kim, Jihwan Son, Heung-Min You, Kijoon Kim, Seokwon Kang, Gyutae Park, Taehyoung Lee, Chemical Characteristics of Particulate Matter from Vehicle emission using High Resolution Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS), KOSAE 2015 Annual Meeting, Yeosu, Korea

  • Taehyoung Lee, Taehyun Park, Alexandra J. Boris, Yongjae Lim, Junyoung Ahn, Haejin Jung, Youngkyo Seo, Donghee Jung, Seokjun Seo, Jeffrey L. Collett, Jr., Investigation of the physical and chemical changes of atmospheric aerosols during fog in Baengyeong Island, South Korea using High Resolution Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometry, AAAR 34th Annual Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 2015 [Movie]

  • Chantelle Lonsdale, Matthew Alvarado, Robert J. Yokelson, Katherine Travis, Sheryl K. Akagi, Donald Blake, Ian Burling, Hugh Coe, Emily Fischer, David Griffith, Timothy Johnson, Sonia Kreidenweis, Taehyoung Lee, Andrew May, Gavin McMeeking, Simone Meinardi, Isobel Simpson, Amy P. Sullivan, Jonathan Taylor, Shawn P. Urbanski, David R. Weise, Cyle Wold, Modeling the Chemistry and Growthof Organic Aerosol in Biomass BurningPlumes at Local and Regional Scales, AAAR 34th Annual Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 2015

  • Taehyun Park, Seokwon Kang, Jongtae Lee, Jeongsoo Kim, Jihwan Son, Heungmin You, Kijoon Kim, Gyutae Park, Taehyoung Lee, Chemical Characteristics of Particulate Matter from Vehicle emission using High Resolution Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer(HR-ToF-AMS), 2015 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2015

  • Taehyoung Lee, Alexandra J. Boris, Junghoon Kim, Yongjae Lim, Junyoung Ahn, Haejin Jung, Donghee Jung, Seokjun Seo, Taehyun Park, Jeffrey L. Collett, Jr., Investigation of the physical and chemical changes of atmospheric aerosols during fog in Baengyeong Island, South Korea using High Resolution Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometry, KAPAR 2015, Pyeongchang, Korea

  • Taehyun Park, Junyoung Ahn, Jin Su Park, Sangdeok Lee, Jun Oh, Jin Soo Choi, Yonghwan Lee, Yongjae Lim, Jeong-Hoo Park, Hae-Jin Jung, Young-Kyo Seo, Seok Jun Seo, Donghee Jung, You Deog Hong, Ji Hyung Hong, Seokwon Kang, Taehyoung Lee, Chemical properties of air pollution plumes using High Resolution Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer(HR-ToF-AMS), KAPAR 2015, Pyeongchang, Korea

  • Seokwon Kang, Jongtae Lee, Teongsoo Kim, Jihwan Son, Heungmin You, Kijoon Kim, Gyutae Park, Taehyun Park, Taehyoung Lee, Chemical characteristics of Particulate Matter from cehicle emission using High Resolution Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer(HR-ToF-AMS), KAPAR 2015, Pyeongchang, Korea

  • Taehyoung Lee, A.J.Boris, J.Kim, Y.Lim, J.Ahn, Y.S.Park, Y.J.Jeong, S.Lee, S.Cho, T.Park, J.L.Collett Jr, Characterization of chemical composition and aerosol processing by clouds and fogs from different field studies, AMS 95th annual meeting 2015, Phoenix, Arizona 

  • Dominik van Pinxteren, Kanneh Wadinga Fomba, Konrad Müller, Gerald Spindler, Stephan Mertes, Johannes Schneider, Taehyoung Lee, Jeff Collett, Hartmut Herrmann, Cloud chemistry during the HCCT-2010 hill cap cloud experiment, 15th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, Leipzig, Germany, 2015

  • Taehyoung Lee, Investigation of the physical and chemical changes of atmospheric aerosols during fog using High Resolution Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometry, 8th Workshop on Cloud Physics and Aerosol, Seoul, Korea



  • Taehyoung Lee, Jinseok Han, Junyoung Ahn, Junghoon Kim, Gangwoong Lee, Jinsoo Park, Jinsoo Choi, Sungwon Cho, Taehyun Park, Sources and Evolution Processes of Submicron Aerosols at Baeng-Yeong Island, Korea, with a High Resolution Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer(HR-ToF-AMS) and Proton Reaction Transfer Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer(PTR-ToF-MS), The 1st International Energy and Environment Conference 2014, Seoul, Republic of Korea 

  • Taehyoung Lee, Kelley Barsanti, Deborah Gross, Scot Martin, V. Faye McNeill, Comparison of Near-Roadway PAH Measurements via Multiple Methods, American Association for Aerosol Research 33rd Annual CONFERENCE 2014, Orlando, Florida

  • Paul J. DeMott, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO; and T. C. J. Hill, C. S. McCluskey, E. J. T. Levin, K. A.Prather, D. B. Collins, G. Cornwell, R. C. Sullivan, M.J. Ruppel, R. Mason, C. Sultana, C. Lee, T. Lee, C. Y. Hwang, J. I. Axson, A. P. Ault, M. Diaz Martinez, O. L. Mayol-Bracero, A. Bertram, V. K. Grassian, and E. Lewis, DeMott AMS Abstract CldPhys 2014



  • Taehyoung Lee, JoonYoung Ahn, JinSoo Park, Gangwoong Lee, Characterization of Aerosol Composition, Concentrations, and Sources at Baeong-Yeong Island, Korea using an Aerosol Mass Spectrometer and Proton transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometer, 16th IUAPPA World Clean Air Congress 2013, Cape Town, Africa

  • Paul Demott, Kimberly Prather, Thomas C. Hill, Taehyoung Lee, Chung Hwang, Yukata Tobo, Douglas Collins, Matthew Ruppel, Jessica Axson, Christopher Lee, Camille Sultana, Bruce Moffett, Studies on the Relation of Ice Nuclei from Sea Spray to Ocean Biological Cycles, AAAR 32nd annual conference, Portland, Oregon

  • Taehyoung Lee, Tae Siek Rhee, Doshik Hahm, Keyhong Park, Jeffrey L. Collett, Jr., The chemical composition of sea fog over the Northwestern Pacific and Bering Sea, 6th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, Yokohama, Japan.

  • D. van Pinxteren, K. Muller, K.W. Fomba, Y. Iinuma, S. Mertes, J. Schneider, T. Lee, J. Collett, H. Herrmann, Cloud chemistry during the ‘Hill Cap Cloud Thuringia2010’ field experiment, 6th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, YOKOHAMA, Japan

  • J.L. Collett, Jr., Y. Desyaterik, Y. Sun, X. Shen, T. Lee, X. Wang, T. Wang, Speciation of brown carbon in clouds impacted by biomass burning, 6th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, YOKOHAMA, Japan



  • Jeffrey L. Collett, Katherine B Benedict, Anthony J Prenni,Derek Day, Yi Li, Ezra JT Levin, Amy Patricia Sullivan, Misha I Schurman, Taehyoung Lee, Yury, Desyaterik, Sonia M Kreidenweis, Bret A Schichtel, GrandTReNDS: the Grand Teton Reactive Nitrogen Deposition Study, AGU Fall Meeting 2012, San Francisco, CA.

  • Carlos J. Valle Diaz, Elvis Torres Delgado, Taehyoung Lee, Jeff Collett, Luis A. Cuadra Rodriguez, Kimberly A. Prather, Johanna K. Spiegel, Werner Eugster, Olga L. Mayol-Bracero, Impact of Long-Range Transported African Dust Events on Cloud Composition and Physical Properties at a Caribbean Tropical Montane Cloud Forest, AGU Fall Meeting 2012, San Francisco, CA.

  • Eunha Kang, William Brune, Taehyoung Lee, Joon-young Ahn, Meehye Lee, Potential Aerosol Mass (PAM) Chamber Measurement in the Ambient Air for the Secondary Aerosol Formation and Oxidation Potential of Air Masses Transported from Korea and China, AAAR 31st annual conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota.


  • Lee, T., Sonia M. Kreidenweis, Jeffrey L. Collett, Amy Sullivan, Christian Carrico, Jose L. Jimenez, Doug Worsnop, Timothy B. Onasch, Ed Fortner, William Malm, Emily Lincoln, Cyle Wold, and Wei Min Hao, Preliminary Observations of organic gas-particle partitioning from biomass combustion smoke using an aerosol mass spectrometer, AGU Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco, CA.

  • Lee, T., JinSoo Park, SeokJo Lee, JongChoon Kim, SungKi Jang, DongWon Lee, JoonYoung Ahn, HaEun Jeon, Gangwoong Lee, and Jeffrey L. Collett, Preliminary Observations of Particulate Matter at Baeng-Yeong Island, Korea, with a High Resolution Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer, AGU Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco, CA.


  • Lee, T., Xinhua Shen and Jeffrey L. Collett, Jr., Xinfeng Wang and Wenxing Wang, Tao Wang (2009), The influence of aerosol and trace gas composition on cloud chemistry at Mt. Tai, China, ASAAQ’s 11th , Jinan, Shandong, China.

  • Lee, T., Jeffrey L. Collett, Jr. and Sonia M. Kreidenweis, Steven G. Brown and Paul T. Roberts (2009), Characterizing Near-road way particulate matter in Las Vegas, ASAAQ’s 11th , Jinan, Shandong, China.

  • Lee, T., Jeffrey L. Collett, Sonia M. Kreidenweis, Amy Sullivan, Laura Mack, Jose L. Jimenez, Joel Kimmel, Timothy B. Onasch, William Malm, Cyle Wold and Wei Min Hao (2009), Aerosol mass spectrometer measurement of the evolution of chemical smoke markers during laboratory open burning of wildland fuels, AAAR 28th annual conference, Minneapolis


  • Lee, T., Jeffrey L. Collett, Sonia M. Kreidenweis, Amy Sullivan, Laura Mack, Jose L. Jimenez, Joel Kimmel, Timothy B. Onasch, William Malm, Cyle Wold and Wei Min Hao, Characterizing of smoke properties from laboratory combustion of forest fuels using an aerosol mass spectrometer, AAAR 26th annual conference, Reno, Nevada


  • Lee, T., Marcillac, N., Hanan, N., Johnson, D. and Collett, Jr., J.L. (2006) Concentrations of Nitrogen and Sulfur Species in the Gas and Particle Phases Downwind of Two Dairy Operations, Proceedings of the Workshop on Agricultural Air Quality: State of the Science - 2006, Potomac, Maryland.


  • Lee, T., Yu, X., Ayres, B., Carrillo, J., Carrico, C., Herckes, P., McMeeking, G., Engling, G., Kreidenweis, S., Collett, Jr., J.L. (2004) Characteristics of aerosol nitrate at several IMPROVE monitoring sites, Proceedings of the AWMA’s Visibility Specialty Conference 2004, Asheville, North Carolina.


  • Lee, T., Carrico, C., J. Carrico, C., Herckes, P., Engling, G., Kreidenweis, S., Collett, Jr., J.L., Day, D., and Malm, W. (2003) Continuous measurement of aerosol ionic composition during the Yosemite National Park Special Study in 2002, Proceedings of the AWMA’s 96th Annual Conference & Exhibition 2003, San Diego, California.

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