ABOUT AQL(Aerosol and Air Quality Lab)[PDF_Korean][PDF_English]
Gyutae Park
Current: Researcher, National Institute of Environmental Reserach (NIER)
Google scholar citation: Link
Education: B.S. in Environmental Engineering, 2012, HOSEO University, Korea
M.S. in Environmental Engineering, 2015, University Of Seoul, Korea
Ph.D. in Environmental Science and Engineering, 2021, HUFS, Korea
Research Interests
The measurement of the potential secondary aerosol formation from emissions of a gasoline and diesel vehicles using High Resolution Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS) and PTR-ToF-MS coupled with Potential Aerosol Mass (PAM)
Si Young Choi
Current: Researcher, National Institute of Environmental Research(NIER), Korea
Education: B.S. in Industrial Environmental Health, 2020, YONGIN University, Korea
M.S. in Environmental Science, 2022, HUFS, Korea
Research Interests
Semi-continuous measurement and characteristics of Water-soluble ions of PM2.5 aerosol using Particle Into Liquid System (PILS) coupled with Ion Chromatography (IC)
Rahul Singh
Master student, Atmospheric Environmental Science
Education: B.S. in Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery, 2017, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, India
Research Interests
Atmospheric Observations of Ammonia with the Passive Sampler in the Urban and Rural Environments in South Korea
Inseon Park
Current: Researcher, National Institute of Environmental Research(NIER), Korea
Google scholar citation : Link
Education : B.S. in Environmental Science, 2022, HUFS, Korea
M.S. in Environmental Science, 2022, HUFS, Korea
Research Interests
Semi-continuous measurement and characteristics of Water-soluble ions of PM2.5 aerosol using Particle Into Liquid System (PILS) coupled with Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Ion Chromatography (IC)
Measurement of Aerosol Chemical Composition using High-Resolution Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS)
Dhurgham R.Obaid
Education: B.S. in Environmental Engineering, Al-Mustaneria University, 2004, Baghdad, Iraq
M.S. in Atmospheric Environment, 2018, HUFS, Korea
Research Interests
Source apportionment of air pollution using Positive Matrix Factorization (U.S. EPA PMF)
Mugabo Modeste
Education: B.S. in Electrical Power Engineering, National University of Rwanda, 2012, Rwanda
M.S. in Atmospheric Environment, 2018, HUFS, Korea
Research Interests
The Measurement of Chemical Composition of Atmospheric Aerosols and Gaseous species
Louahem Masbah Basma
Education: B.S. in Biology, 2007, Mentour, Algeria
M.S. in Atmospheric Environment, 2018, HUFS, Korea
Research Interests
The Measurement of Chemical Composition of Atmospheric Aerosols and Gaseous species
Khairi Ibrahim Abdulameer Alrwaishedi
Education: B.S. in Biology, 2007, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, Iraq
M.S. in Atmospheric Environment, 2018, HUFS, Korea